Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Crazy Galatians!

About 4 months ago - I joined a crazy group called Cross-Fit. Matt, Ron, Sherri, Randall, Chris and the whole gang - it's been "crazy" and I'm loving it. My only wish is that I could be more consistent.

A ton of fun - I can't say enough about how amazing the workout is - but more importantly, how amazing the people are.

I had joined with my brother in law, Jeff. He HAS made it there consistently. Now has a 6-pack ab, looks fantastic and feels even better than he looks.

Here's the point to today's blog - I had joined and made a verbal statement to Jeff - stating "I don't want to be here 3-4 months from now - with the same body I have now". And here I stand - 3-4 months later and am still at the same weight. But there's a reality check - I have NOT worked out or taken the diet seriously. Not anywhere as close to where Jeff has taken this... it has resulted in the obvious - - RESULTS for Jeff, nada para mi!!

Galatians 3, the Message version, vs. 1-4 - talks about how our relationship with Christ began. We didn't do anything but respond to His message to us. It's that simple. Stop making it about you.

i gotta ask myself the difference between the two mountains above - one, doing nothing in the gym and getting no results. The other - I strive and strive to try and be perfect and Christ calls me into the exact opposite. I love how the Message version puts it...

vs 4 - If you weren't smart enough or strong enough to begin it, how do you suppose you could perfect it? Did you go through this whole painful learning process for nothing? It is not yet a total loss, but it certainly will be if you keep this up!

Crazy Galatian. Get it right - you idiot.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Whew... I waaannna get off this ride...

I will never forget being on a small roller coaster as a kid. The slamming and tight corners took this ugly dragon-looking coaster around a eenie-beanie circle. There was no high scenery to look out, the cart rank like poop, and the corners were so quick - after my head hit the side of the coaster car, the corner was done.

I did remember liking the down and then the quick up. But the ride kept going and going. Not sure if one of the parents tipped the "Carni" an extra $1 for the long ride - - but I was begging to get off. Not that I was going to get sick, but I was tired of trying to keep my head from hitting the side of the coaster car. I wanted terra-firma... badly.

Bring you back to today's reality.

The ugly dragon is this media-driven hysteric and hsyterical 1/2 truth, 1/2 sensationalism world we live in. I'm getting tired of banging my head and just want off this ride.

I want something solid to stand on - badly. Oh wait - I do. The hymn "Solid Rock" by Edward Mote - the cabinetmaker for 37 yrs turned pastor for 33 yrs. ... and 1 Cor 10:4.