Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Whew... I waaannna get off this ride...

I will never forget being on a small roller coaster as a kid. The slamming and tight corners took this ugly dragon-looking coaster around a eenie-beanie circle. There was no high scenery to look out, the cart rank like poop, and the corners were so quick - after my head hit the side of the coaster car, the corner was done.

I did remember liking the down and then the quick up. But the ride kept going and going. Not sure if one of the parents tipped the "Carni" an extra $1 for the long ride - - but I was begging to get off. Not that I was going to get sick, but I was tired of trying to keep my head from hitting the side of the coaster car. I wanted terra-firma... badly.

Bring you back to today's reality.

The ugly dragon is this media-driven hysteric and hsyterical 1/2 truth, 1/2 sensationalism world we live in. I'm getting tired of banging my head and just want off this ride.

I want something solid to stand on - badly. Oh wait - I do. The hymn "Solid Rock" by Edward Mote - the cabinetmaker for 37 yrs turned pastor for 33 yrs. ... and 1 Cor 10:4.

1 comment:

Renee Buice said...

Team Solid Rock... I like the sound of that!!!