Monday, November 12, 2007

The sky is falling...

One of the beautiful things about being optimistic... is that the whiners and doom-n-gloomers are very irate when you still persist to be positive. Even amidst much negativity, the whiners sometimes get nasty when you are still 'nice' or even the least bit hopeful of a positive outcome...

For the past 5-6 years, the one's that have been consistently negative and doubtful about the housing 'bubble' are finally right. The sky is falling mentality has finally paid off. There is no doubt about reality - - there is a housing bubble that we just heard go "kaboooom"... (I'm ignorant about the future, but I'm not an idiot about the present, imho).

My simple-minded ways draw a line in the sand and ask... which side are you on? Are you a whiner looking for, stepping in, and smelling the bad news (and refusing to be hopeful?)?? Or are you on this side of the line in the beach asking for something (ANYTHING) positive to hang your hat on and to be hopeful about tomorrow?

The great news about this line in the sand - I can easily take a step back and draw the line again.

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